Saturday, 30 March 2013

International Tabletop Day...

So I've returned from Tabletop Nations hosting of International Tabletop Day and what a great day it was too. Apart from us guys at JAG, running Dystopian Wars, Bushido, SAGA and Carnevale, there were loads of other participation games going on. Star Wars, Dreadball, Aeronautica Imperalis, Carcasonne, Warmachine, and Spartacus to name but a few. Plenty of old friends like Rid from Fanplasticlittlemen , and loads of new faces too came along and enjoyed playing games all day.

If you want to see some pictures and videos of the day then pop over to Beasts of War.

Good fun, good company and well worth doing again next year.

Hope to see you all there.

Friday, 29 March 2013

International Tabletop Day

Just a quick heads up to remind one and all that tomorrow, Saturday 30th March, is International Tabletop Day at Tabletop Nation, so come along and meet up with new and old friends for a great days gaming. There will be wargames, board games and RPGs going on. Beasts of War will be on the prowl too and us guys from JustAboutGames,, will be in attendance to run Dystopian Wars and Bushido participation/demo games. Other companies will also be there with the likes of Rid from Fanplasticlittlemen,, a great painting service blog down to join in the fun.

An epic tale

So myself and Rear Admiral Lee took the the high seas the other night to play a game of Dystopian Wars. It was a naval encounter with tiny fliers only and it proved to be a real tough time for the British fleet.

The fleets face off as Rear Admiral Lee checks the weather report in the Channel.

First blood to the French as a cruiser goes down to the combined power of the French cruisers and frigates.

Meanwhile on the other flank the British fliers advance only to be met by the French Ack Ack (I did warn him lol)

At this stage Martin realised that he might have manoeuvred himself badly as his battleship was stuck.

With the hull points starting to rack up the French closed in for the kill and destroyed the rest of the British fleet.

A great evening of gaming with two nicely balanced forces. The dice were very kind to me on this outing.

Friday, 22 March 2013

WWII Bolt Action Japanese

So with no real projects on the go at the moment and with Salute looming large very soon, so having to save money for new toys, I decided that it would be a good idea to pull out this box of metal Warlord Games Bolt Action WWII Japanese Infantry and get them painted up. They had already been based and undercoated so last night I sat down for a few hours and a while this morning to finish them up. As they arent a force I use I shall be advertising them for sale on eBay.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

New 7TV Henchman

OK so trying different colours for my henchmen, blue for the good guys and orange for the bad, what do you think ?

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Micro Armour WWII

So me and Martin (Oberleutnant Lee) are now venturing into WWII Micro Armour, all the better to stage big battles at a fraction of the cost and without taking over the whole lounge and annoying the wife ;)
So here are a coupe of shots of the start of my US army. A few M3 Shermans, some M10's, some Halftracks, a few Greyhound and a couple of jeeps. Remember these models are 1/285th scale, so very small, a tank is smaller than a penny. So the detail is fantastic on them.

Remember to give me a shout if you want anything painted and pass my details onto anyone else you know. Thanks

7TV Villains

These are the latest for my 7TV game. James Bond Baddie, Robotic Adolf and Mao Tse Tung !! Oh and a henchman to serve them.
Love these models the detail is very nice and they are clean with little to no flash.

Dystopian Legions Prussians Sold

OK just thought I would share this picture, it is of Spartan Games Dystopian Legions Prussian Infantry and Medics that I painted and sold via eBay to a guy in New Zealand no less.

So dont forget if you want any figures painted then get in touch and we can sort out a deal.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Dystopian Wars - Vive La France

OK so I know a lot of people have been playing this for a while now but I finally succumbed and got the French Starter Fleet, which of course meant I had to go buy the Dreadnought and then I saw the Aircraft Carrier and some nice cruisers to run interference for it. Anyway you get the idea. So here are some of the models completed and works in progress.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Britanan Highlanders for Relics

So started last night and finished these this morning. They are Britanan Highlanders from the excellent Relics range by Tor Gaming.

I have put up a range of pictures to show the stages I went through with painting them, hope you enjoy the finished models.

Stage one, undercoat them in white.

Stage two, wash them in Nuln Oil to pick out the detail

Stage three, apply the base colors for flesh etc.

Stage four, add colors for hair etc.

Stage five, is to add other detail colors for belts and metal

Stage six, is to add the detail for the tartan and pick out stitching highlights

Stage seven is to wash the model in agrax earthshade to redefine some of the detail

Stage eight was to add basing materials and do final touch ups.

Stage nine is to take em outside for a photo shoot...

Saturday, 2 March 2013

7TV minis this evening.

So sat down this evening and managed to turn out a coupe of 7TV figures for my heroes team. This is Jeremy "Jez" Queen and his sidekick Joanna Rigg with their brand new ride. The two models I painted in around 2 hours.

Here are some of the latest models I have painted.
These models are from Copplestone and are from their Kiss Kiss Bang Bang range.

A couple of Sodapop minis from Super Dungeon Explore

These are Britanans from Tor Gaming Relics range.

The Patricians faction from Vesper-On Games Carnevale.
These are 6mm Bacuss ACW, just to show I do all sizes.