Sunday 3 March 2013

Britanan Highlanders for Relics

So started last night and finished these this morning. They are Britanan Highlanders from the excellent Relics range by Tor Gaming.

I have put up a range of pictures to show the stages I went through with painting them, hope you enjoy the finished models.

Stage one, undercoat them in white.

Stage two, wash them in Nuln Oil to pick out the detail

Stage three, apply the base colors for flesh etc.

Stage four, add colors for hair etc.

Stage five, is to add other detail colors for belts and metal

Stage six, is to add the detail for the tartan and pick out stitching highlights

Stage seven is to wash the model in agrax earthshade to redefine some of the detail

Stage eight was to add basing materials and do final touch ups.

Stage nine is to take em outside for a photo shoot...

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